Please contact the email address below before placing a first wholesale order.
For wholesale orders outside of Switzerland we have partnered with Faire Wholesale to build partnerships with independent retailers. If you are not yet registered with Faire, you will be eligible for a 100CHF signing bonus and free shipping for the first year upon sign up, exclusively via this link.
If you are already registered with Faire, please also use our link to place your order. You will not be eligible for free shipping, but all orders with incur 0% commission thereafter.
Import fees and charges will be covered by Faire for retailers in the following countries
- Austria
- Belgium
- Denmark
- Finland
- Metropolitan France
- Germany
- Ireland
- Italy
- Luxembourg
- Netherlands
- Norway
- Portugal
- Spain
- Sweden
Stores located in Switzerland are not processed through Faire.
If you would like any further details or information, please don't hesitate to contact me. Email Kate, at hello[at], or alternatively you can get in touch via the contact page.